We are the World

WE can change something, though
WE question critically when
WE choose
to help.

How can I still help the elephants?

There are also numerous ways in everyday life to help the pachyderms and thus save lives.

Do not go to animal shows

WE decide - by refusing to participate / visit WE can influence the program of the organizers.

Travel critically

Keep your eyes open when booking! - Notify tour operators of elephant abuse! - ONLY visit species-appropriate sanctuaries!

Sign and share petitions

The more people sign, the more pressure can be exerted on decision-makers and politicians.

Avoid events with live performances by animals

Abuses in the circus

There are no elephants or other animals that voluntarily perform tricks completely unrelated to their species. This only happens under massive pressure, usually through violence.
But first the spirit of the animals has to be broken (by separating them from their mother / family when they are babies, by beating them, by depriving them of food and water, penning them up in tight cages, tying them up, putting them in chains, depriving them of sleep, etc.) And only when they have given up all resistance do the animals function – apathetically. In their eyes you can read all the suffering, the merciless fear. You suffer endlessly.
D.he bright light, the clapping and screeching of the audience is an enormous stress for all animals. The keeping of these poor creatures is far from species-appropriate.


Critical travel - keep your eyes open and ask your tour operator.

Daily dressage, mostly combined with beatings and violence determine the life of the pachyderms. The free time they have, they usually spend chained and without the possibility to move. Shade and water, mud bath, sand bath, bathing in a pool or in a river … all this is missing. The pachyderms vegetate dully.

You wonder why the elephants let all this happen? It is the FEAR, the FEAR of blows, pain, suffering.
More information

Critical travel - eyes open when booking!

Many so-called sanctuaries, orphanages or elephant camps are ONLY about making money. The animals live in captivity and serve only for the entertainment of tourists.

Is bathing with elephants animal friendly?

, this contact is also great stress for the animals. They suffer and fear is also on their necks here – they know that they are hardly allowed to move, that they have to keep still so that it doesn’t become dangerous for the tourists.

THERE – Watch and enjoy!

The most impressive thing is to watch the pachyderms bathing. Seeing how they roll around, teasing each other with joy, frolicking. Look into their eyes, listen to them, – you will realize how much fun and joy they have and you will remember their natural behavior forever.

And what about elephant riding?

In the wild, an elephant would never willingly let a human sit on its back. Elephants are wild animals, they shy away from people.
The spine of an elephant is in no way to carry these metal seats with 2-4 people and mahouts.
More info here: The sensitive back

Constantly carrying heavy weight can cause the spine to buckle. The damage is irreparable. You can imagine how the gray giants suffer.
These physical deformities are common in elephants used for tourist rides, according to Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) are common in elephants used for tourist rides.

By Tiia Monto, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61905418
(c) WFFT-- left: deformed spine - right: healthy spine

Visit only species-appropriate facilities!
Ask us – we regularly visit different projects and sanctuaries in Thailand and Laos and are in contact with the responsible persons on site.